Monday, February 6, 2012

Dinnerrrrrrrrrrr Day 6!

I'm doing pretty good with this photo a day...well, except for day 4. But! Here's day 6! It's was Tiffani's (Britni's sister) birthday and we went to Outback! I forgot half way to take a picture of my food BEFORE eating it [cause I was so hungry I just dug in ^.^]. So here's my half eaten dinner :D

It was chicken (had cheese and, surprisingly, delicious bacon on top of it) and fries! The red stuff is ketchup!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 5!

So, I missed day 4 and that's cause I didn't really venture outside of my apt. It was a pretty lonely boring day. But, here's day 5! It's a picture of my make-up cause I was getting ready for church at 10am :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 3!!!!!

So far I've been doing pretty good. I was at Katie's house today visiting and got to hold cute little Mallory. She eventually fell asleep on my lap. Although it looks like I'm grabbing her hand, she was actually holding on to my hand as she slept :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm taking Katie's February photo challenge!

So, I was over Katie's place one day and she mentioned how I need to start updating my blog again with photos, and I told her that I would. So what better way than to post a pic a day?!?! Since I missed the first day, I'll start with the second. It's not that great sice I took it with my iPod. But, look at all the words!