Thursday, June 9, 2011

Photo Journal Days 1 & 2

So, we're doing photo journals for our photo class (over the span of 2 weeks) and I kinda forgot to post yesterday, so here are the pictures from yesterday and today [unfortunately, not the best].

So, I was about to start eating dinner last night when I remembered I needed to snap a picture and what best opportunity than to take a picture of the junk college students eat! So, I snapped a picture of my microwaved burritos...not so creative, but hey, it's a college student's life.

Another aspect of a college student's life is the ginormous amount of homework that piles up! So, here is a picture of my textbooks...I've got homework to do in about maybe half of these books...and scripture study on top of it all.

1 comment:

  1. i like that the scripture are literally on top of it all:)
