Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Because of Procrastination.... get a blogpost today. I'm procrastinating reading an assignment and thought I'd add some pictures from my latest assignment: Motion.

This first picture (original and greyscale) is the one I decided to go with. I unfortunately didn't think that my little pinwheel was captured well enough. You may be asking, "what pinwheel?" Well, get through this post and you'll see what I'm talking about. Anyway, here, I kind of capture a drop of water falling from the faucet spout. I also really like the black and white version of the picture :]

This picture (original and greyscale) is of water dripping off of the building next to my apartment building and the little water droplets were falling into ice, kind of making a little bowl. It's pretty sweet, I don't think my pictures do it justice. Anyway, here it is.

And here are my pinwheel pictures. Katie was so kind as to let me use her girls for this project. And I totally had fun with these girls!
This is Lily and her blue pinwheel. I left these in color cause they looked better that way.

This is Kaylee with her red pinwheel. When I asked her if she would let me take her picture she said, "only three." Hahaha She is so cute!

And this cute little girl is Riley! I just really loved her face in this one. I kinda wish that pinwheel was a dandelion or something.

Anyway, these are my motion pictures :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So, for this week's assignment we delved into the world of DOF! Or for those who do not understand the language of the photographer, Depth of Field. Here, we have two example of shallow and deep. This first one is my shallow depth of field submission in it's original state and then in greyscale, because that's the way I had to turn it in.

I used my piggy bank that my uncle Marty and Julie gave me about two years ago. They said "here, it's for your college fund!" [Just in case you were wondering, it's the ginormous pig in the background] The tiny little pink pig in the foreground is a plastic little pig that I found in a package that was sent to me recently. My brother sent me some movies and a little keychain for my phone. I think he might be trying to say something with this little guy...hmm?

This next one isn't my favorite, but it's an example of the deep depth of field. You have more in focus for a greater length rather than having just the one subject in focus and the background being blurry. But anyway, one reason I don't like this is because it's boring. It's take on campus and obviously I saw it as something cooler in my mind than what actually came out. :/ Oh well, here are the original and greyscaled pictures.

This picture here was a contender for the shallow depth of field submission, but alas, the pigs beat out the aztec and pepper shakers. Many of you may recognize these little guys. They were made by my younger brother, Matthew, and they are the only other aztec sun salt and pepper shakers made like this besides the set back in California.

PS: just imagine it in black and white.

PPS: I'll upload some of the other contenders later.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

1st Photo Assignment

So! Finally an update cause I have new cool pictures to add. Anyway, I'm taking a Black & White Photography class and we recently learned how to process, develop, and print our own pictures! It is totally fun and I plan on investing on getting a film SLR and hopefully having a darkroom in the home I live in, in the future.

Anyway, our first assignment was to just process and develop a roll of film and then make a print, but I don't have any pictures from that assignment. So the first real assignment was a free choice, and here are the two pictures I submitted.

This is my bestie, Gilmarie (pronounced: Jill-marie) and I had her pose looking out of the window. Personally, I think I printed it a little too dark but I still like the result that I got---I tried going with that look that they have in the old Addams Family movies with the light focused on Morticia's eyes; but as you can see, I ended up getting the light on all of her face, which is fine with me.

This one here (I also used Gil for) and she's holding some tiny paper origami stars.
PS: It's not like that stupid twilight cover.